Vancouver Note


ISEPでのAcademic writing


 私に関して言えば英作文は大学受験勉強以降まともにしておらず、academic writingの基本も分かっていなかったため、ITELSを受けた際にはwritingの点数が一番低かったです (5.5でした) 。そんな状況でしたが、ISEPで授業を受けてみて分かったのは、型さえ意識できれば後はいかに論理的な文章を書けるか、ということです (もちろん基礎となる英語力が前提ですが)。


 1 termを通して、「型→実践→添削→修正」がテーマごとに繰り返されそれなりの分量を書くことになるため短期間でwritingの底上げをすることができると思います。レベル4の場合、テーマ (型) として学ぶのは

  • Sentenceの分類 : simple, compound, complex等
  • 基本構造と要素 : introduction, body, conclusion及び各構成要素
  • Essayの型 : processタイプ, cause/effectタイプ, comparison/contrastタイプ
  • 要約の型



 Essay以外にも週次で1パラグラフ構成のjournalも書くので、ほぼ毎日writingの宿題 (構成案や修正文章の提出含む) が何かしらある状態でした。



  • 課題「初めて母国から出た際に感じたことを、comfort zoneから外れた点を踏まえ書け」

  • 課題「今年一年を通して印象に残ったニュースについて理由と考察を書け」




  1. general statement
  2. thesis statement
  3. supporting detail
  4. conclusion (restate topic) に沿っています。

The following quotation comes from my journal in ISEP:

Today, most people cannot live without using the Internet. We buy many kinds of things through online shops, communicate with each other by sending email and other electronic messages. However in June, 2013, a certain incident destroyed many people’s trust in the Internet. Edward Snowden, a former CIA worker, revealed the surveillance of Internet users that had been conducted by the USA. The incident shocked me not only for political reasons but also for technological reasons. Before the disclosure, some people thought intelligence agencies in the US were conducting surveillance activities, but this fact was beyond many people’s imaginations. In my opinion, some surveillance is necessary if there is reasonable concern in order to keep us secure. However, in this particular case, the US gathered as much information as possible through the Internet without any reasonable justification. I think it infringes on our basic human rights and privacy, and it violates modern legal standards. Another reason I paid attention to the problem is the way that they collected information. Technologically, the encryption of communication can secure our privacy. However, as Snowden revealed, the US retrieved the electronic information in question directly from an undersea cable, where data is not encrypted. As a system engineer, I feel that this fact burdens IT companies with further investment in security, and even technologically, such acts should not be acceptable. In conclusion, such surveillance can lead to the destruction of political and technological systems and change our views on what privacy in communication has become today.